Why not?!
Have you met the hairy highlanders in my mug collection? Maybe not... Well why not pop along to Why Not? in North Berwick! Where you can...

How highland can yer coo go? A cow mug Competition
Be in it to win it! Amy Hooton's cow mug competition. Get in on the fun photo contest. Scottish artist launches contest and new produ

Art News from Amy Hooton
So much has been happening recently I can barely keep up with myself. I have new galleries, lots of exhibitions coming soon and new...

2 weeks a single artist parent
Daddy Benjamin has gone home to Sydney for 2 weeks, leaving me alone with the children and my art. The first day was a bit sad for us...

Amy Hooton's most recent collection of cows have formed. For sales contact Amy@amyhooton.com

Christmas Cards
I've added a Christmas card to my Etsy shop. Featuring my latest painting, the rutting stag calling in the night. Order the card in packs...

Winter Calling...
The air has changed this week. Mornings almost freezing. I ran in the crisp cold morning. Mist in the golf course valley. It was...

My new look ART website
This year..

Solo Show - A Red Drop in the Ocean
A new solo Amy Hooton art exhibition opens 10th September 2016 at the Stick Factory gallery, 69b Mayfield Road, Edinburgh. The show runs...